Taking Your Social Media Off of Autopilot

Your hands are on the controls now

Do you feel like social media controls your emotions and thoughts? Take back control now.

During the COVID pandemic, I realized politicized content overwhelmed me. Content constantly fed into my feed aimed to make me feel sad or angry.

Plainly, the content on these platforms didn't benefit me; I had to make a change.

I then chose to control my feeds and made social media work for me instead of me working for it.

I wrote this article to help you regain control over your feeds.

If content enrages you or seems disagreeable, you've set your social media on autopilot, letting any content drift into your feed.

Today, I argue for shutting that off and actively piloting your social media feeds.

Let's examine the root of the problem: algorithms.

In the past ten years, these algorithms have significantly contributed to radicalization, fear-mongering, depression, and more. In 2017, Facebook began prioritizing content that got an emoji reaction over a simple ‘like.’ The Washington Post investigated this Facebook strategy and discovered that posts with the angry emoji ruled the platform, gaining far more engagement and reach than other content types

Most people overlook the fact that individual actions steer the algorithm. If you exclusively watch cat videos, your feed will flood with feline fun without much negativity.

However, once you engage with a specific type of content, the platforms train themselves to offer more of the same. Theoretically, this sounds acceptable, but it often sends users spiraling down topical rabbit holes, some of which can be extreme.

Tips for regaining control of your feed

1. Start a Digital Diet: Think of your digital consumption the way you'd think about your diet. Would you eat anything handed to you? In the same way, choose online content that enriches your mind and fosters growth. Cut out the junk.

2. Quality Over Quantity: When you 'follow'’ you commit. You grant someone a spot in your thoughts. So, choose carefully. Welcome those who provide value, expertise, or true insight, and ignore the rest.

Some platforms let you view the people you follow rather than what the algorithm suggests. Activate this feature wherever possible.

3. Guard Your Mental Energy: Engaging with accounts or people that infuriate you is a waste. As they say, “play stupid games, win stupid prizes.” This rings particularly true for social media.

So, block/mute/unfollow those who don’t benefit you.

Here are some of the words I muted as an example:

4. Interact With Uplifting Content: Your feed mirrors your values and interests. Ensure it reflects your goals, passions, and aspirations. If it doesn't align, dismiss it.

Remember, you determine what appears on your social media. If you want more on this topic, watch the video below on developing healthier relationships with social media.

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